B.1 Registration Procedures
Students are assigned a date and time when they can begin to register for their Fall/Winter and Spring/Summer courses, this is referred to as their Enrolment Appointment in their Student Centre. Students can add/drop/swap courses from this time up to the course add/drop/swap date for the term in which the course is scheduled. Students can view their Enrolment Appointment details in their Student Centre at my.ucalgary.ca. Students should register in courses for both the Fall and Winter Terms during their Enrolment Appointment.
Information to help students prepare for their Enrolment Appointment and instructions on how to register is available at ucalgary.ca/registrar/registration.
Current students: Registration for Fall/Winter terms begins the last week of March for continuing students. Registration for spring/summer begins in early February.
New students will receive information about course selection and registration after accepting their offer of admission. Online resources are available at ucalgary.ca/registrar/registration.
Open Studies students will receive information on how to register with their admission notice. Students can register in courses through their Student Centre. Students must ensure they meet prerequisite requirements for the courses in which they wish to register. Some courses may be restricted to degree students only or may require students to obtain permission from the faculty/department.
Visiting/Exchange students may register through their Student Centre after receiving their admission notice. Students must ensure they meet course prerequisite requirements and obtain any necessary approvals prior to registration.
B.1.1 Auditing a Course
Admitted students (credential, visiting, open studies etc.) may request to audit a course. Auditing students participate in classroom activities, except for lab or tutorial components, and do not complete any exam or course assignments nor receive a grade for the course(s) they are auditing. Faculties may restrict courses that are available to audit. Graduate students should refer to https://archive-2024-2025-ucalgary.catalog.prod.coursedog.com/uofcregs/graduate-regulations/grad-registration for more information.
Students apply for audit status prior to registering in a course. To apply, a student must obtain written permission on a "Permission to Audit" form first from the dean (or designate) of the faculty offering the course and then the instructor teaching the course. Permission obtained from a dean does not bind the instructor to accept a student as an auditor in the class.
A course in which the student is registered and attends as an auditor, will be entered on the student's record. It will not count towards any credential nor will the student be permitted to change registration in that course from audit to credit or credit to audit status after the course add/swap deadline at the beginning of the term in which the course is scheduled.
Audit fees are outlined in P.4.6 Audit Fees of this Calendar. Auditing fees are non-refundable.
Students may audit a course which was previously successfully completed and may take for credit a course which was previously audited.
Audit student must meet all applicable deadlines.
Academic staff and visiting scholars who wish to attend a course, but not formally register in the course, may do so by obtaining written permission from the course instructor. The “permission to audit” form available from Enrolment Services may be used (ucalgary.ca/registrar/student-centre/student-forms), however it is retained by the academic staff member attending the course for their record. This participation will not result in the creation of a student record or an official transcript. Academic staff and visiting scholars who wish to formally audit a course and receive an official transcript must apply for admission and pay the course audit fees.